Loser Gang Halloween Takeover at Folkestone's Happy Skate

Artwork, skate comps and live music across the two day event

Alternative art collective Loser Gang has announced a two-day Halloween Takeover of Folkestone’s Happy Skate.

The group - which has exhibited work in the past from @dream_safari , @darcybrenna_, @roys.basement, @catneil.33 , @jess_dadds , @eirinnhayhow , @jleppenwell - will display some of their artworks, while there will be live music from masslines on Friday October 28th and a DJ set from Phil Calvert on Saturday October 29th.

There will also be a skate competition in the basement of the Tontine Street shop run by Dan Joyce, and a prize for the best fancy dress on the Saturday.

For our interview with Happy Skate HERE.

For our interview with Jack Cant (@roys.basement) click HERE.

For our interview with CatNeil click HERE.